Tuesday, March 4, 2014

My first journey

1 March 2014

My second time, flying alone to overseas (Australia).  This fly will be long-term, decide to leave Malaysia, because of some reason, never think that I have that encourage to fly oversea for study.

I'm tiring of being your maid, tiring to be your daughter, I give up everything in Malaysia is to hide from you.
I try hardest to be independence, to prove you everything that I can done by myself, to do whenever both of you want me to do, at the end what I get? I doesn't want your money, doesn't want any good things or expensive thing. I only want your care, your praise. It's that really hard for you to do that?

You look down on me that I can't survive in overseas, but I will prove that !! You're totally wrong! I can survive without you! I can survive by my own.

I feel so disappointed that, even my last breakfast in malaysia you don't even accompany eat.. you just left me alone for boarding with sucks reason! I mad! I hate! why I will be treated in this way? What I do wrong? I do whenever you want!!!!

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