Monday, June 15, 2009

Is it Television is Good or Bad for us?

Last time , if i can't cant watch television I will angry and do anything to make the television on.But now, television for me is not important. Television that for us , can say half is good and half will be bad. Bad reason for television is if we watch too much television, that will cause us short sighted and its won't cause good health for us.Some of the children will cause television then they don't want to do their homework, if too serious then they will start didn't want go school.Television can cause us become a lazy people.Good reason for televison is television can let us relax or get some knowledge from there.We also can watch news through television if some those people lazy to buy or read newspaper.Some of the people watch televison to release stress.So if for me, i will agree that television is good for us is because i can let something different from television and some time it can release my stress.Use television on good way, then it won't cause us bad.

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